Below are 50 belly fat burning foods for women who want to eat healthily and lose weight the right way. Simply add these foods to your daily meal plan of 1200 calories to finally lose the weight and keep it off.
Before we begin though, we have put together a list of 85 powerful home remedies for fast and healthy weight loss that you can start today and lose 20 pounds in 15 days very easily.
All of the foods listed below should be consumed with a 1200 diet plan and only 100 grams of 1 or 2 of them can be eaten per day. Although these are fat burning foods, eating large quantities or combining too many varieties will cause you to gain weight instead of losing it.

Foods that are very high in fiber and low in calories are foods you want to consume daily or on a regular basis when you are trying to lose weight or belly fat. Drink up to 8 glasses of water daily to remove stubborn fat.

1 Strawberries- high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 33 cal
2 Raspberries- high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 53 cal
3 Blueberries- high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 57 cal
4 Blackberries- high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 43 cal
5 Prunes- Very high in fiber and high in calories 100 grams = 240 cal & 7 grams of fiber- eat only 2 pieces in the morning with 2 glasses of warm water which is a total of 46 cal.
6 Mushrooms- high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 22 cal
7 Peas – very high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 87 cal & 5.7 grams of fiber
8 Artichokes- very high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 47 cal & 5 grams of fiber
9 Lentils- very high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 140 cal and 8 grams of fiber
10 Avocados- very high in fiber and low in calories 100 grams = 160 cal and 7 grams of fiber
Losing weight does not have to be a myth anymore, it does not have to be difficult. There are thousands of ways to successfully lose weight healthily, you just need to decide and choose your path.
One last thing… Try this odd “carb trick” that burns up to 1 pound per day
If you’re like most women trying to lose weight… you diet, you count calories, you tear up the treadmill, and…nothing.
That’s how 40-year-old Carly Donovan, an overweight mother with prediabetes was feeling…
She did “everything right” and never lost an inch.
Until she stumbled on this strange “carb-pairing” trick and burned away an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days.
And because of this one simple shift in her eating, she shed pounds and inches from her body without starving herself and without a lick of exercise!
With the same “carb-pairing” trick Carly dropped a total of 37lbs in the FIRST month and she shocked her doctor by completely reversing ALL pre-diabetes symptoms!
If you’re a woman over the age of 25 who wants to reclaim her life inside the body she DESERVES, you should check it out for yourself.

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